As part of European Maritime Day’s #EMDInMyCountry, CABFISHMAN partners hosted a series of events exploring the value and heritage of small-scale fisheries in the Northeast Atlantic. Hosted in Spanish, the second event of the series ‘Ocean Literacy Storytellers: Cultural values and services in small-scale fisheries. Do you want to share your story?’  was held online on Thursday 24th June, 10:00 – 11:30 CEST.


Historias del mar: servicios y valores culturales de las pesquerías artesanales. ¿Quieres compartir tu historia? | Ocean Literacy Storytellers: Cultural values and services in small-scale fisheries. Do you want to share your story?


Este webinar pretende ser una experiencia interactiva realizada en el marco del proyecto CABFISHMAN en España para celebrar el día Marítimo Europeo de la DG Mare (Unión Europea) que tiene por objeto compartir y celebrar la diversidad de la cultura de la pesca artesanal a lo largo del la zona atlántica europea. Varios ponentes invitados de País Vasco, Asturias y Andalucía pondrán ejemplos del patrimonio cultural pesquero español. Una introducción sobre esta materia del profesores Juan José García del Hoyo y Celeste Jiménez de Madariaga (Universidad de Huelva) servirá para construir posteriormente una visión global del patrimonio cultural pesquero de la España atlántica. Los asistentes serán invitados a contribuir con sus propias historias y experiencias por medio de herramientas interactivas para crear un conversación abierta sobre el valor inherente del patrimonio cultural pesquero.

The interactive event, chaired by Juan José García del Hoyo (Universidad de Huelva) and facilitated by David Castilla (UHU), shared the diversity of cultural elements related to small-scale fisheries across the Northeast Atlantic, inviting guest speakers to share stories of the heritage of their region. An introductory presentation showcased CABFISHMAN’s work to build a comprehensive overview of the cultural heritage of small-scale fisheries in the region, and attendees were welcomed to share their own stories, ideas and experiences to create an open conversation about the inherent value of fisheries’ cultural heritage.


Details of speakers and presentations can be found below:

Introducción de los trabajos de CABFISHMAN sobre valoración económica Total de pesquerías | Introduction to CABFISHMAN’s work on impact assessments of small-scale fishing gears across the Northeast Atlantic – Prof. Juan José García del Hoyo, Department of Economics – MEMPES (Universidad de Huelva)

¿Qué es patrimonio cultural y como puede ser clasificado en el contexto de pesquerías? | What is cultural heritage, and how can we classify it in the context of fisheries? – Prof. Celeste Jiménez de Madariaga. Department of History, Gepgraphy and Anthropology – Observatory of Culture and Heritage (Universidad de Huelva)

Patrimonio cultural relacionado con la pesca en la costa occidental de Huelva (Punta Umbría) | Cultural heritage related to fisheries in the Western Coast of Huelva (Punta Umbría) – Manuel Fernández Belmonte, President (Cofradía de Pescadores de Punta Umbría and FACOPE),  Vice-president (FNCP)

Patrimonio cultural relacionado con la pesca en la costa occidental de Huelva (Isla Cristina) | Cultural heritage related to small-scale fisheries in the Western Coast of Huelva – Manuela Pomares Morgado, FOREDUNES (Centro de Educación Ambiental y Acuícola)

Patrimonio cultural relacionado con la pesca en Asturias | Cultural heritage related to small-scale fisheries in AsturiasDr Francisco Jesús Menéndez Busta, Councillor of the City Council of Colunga and former President of Cofradía de Pescadores de Santa María de Sábada de Lastres

 La pesca artesanal en el País Vasco. De la vela al s. XXI |Small-scale fisheries in the Basque Country: from the sail to the 21st Century – Dr Juan Antonio Apraiz Zallo, Researcher of maritime heritage

Cuenta tu historia, quiz, y preguntas y respuestas | Tell your story, quiza, and Q&A session


Attendees were invited to submit questions to the panel throughout the event, and an interactive discussion gave the opportunity for speakers and attendees to share opinions, ideas, and personal perspectives on the cultural heritage of small-scale fisheries.


A video recording of the event can be found below.