Knowledge of the small-scale fisheries’ fishing activity is essential for their effective management. The mapping of such activity allows us to see the interactions that take place, including biological interactions between habitats, species, and the seabed, as well as interactions between users of marine space, including other fisheries, aquaculture farms, and tourism. In recent years the demands on maritime space have grown significantly, especially in European coastal areas, generating more and more interactions with small-scale fishing fleets which typically operate in coastal areas. Though these fisheries have typically been data-poor, advances in technology and the development of tracking devices adapted to small-scale vessels has enabled improved spatial knowledge of small-scale fishing activity. In this report, CABFishMan’s Small-Scale Fisheries Innovation team details the processes used to create high-resolution spatial maps of SSF activity in the European Atlantic, geared at providing fisheries managers with valuable tools for protecting rights to fishing grounds.

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