At the conclusion of the CABFISHMAN project, we developed a series of videos exploring the key outputs of each our primary work themes. The videos were produced in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese, and detail how are processes and methods were produced as well as how they may be applicable to small-scale fishers in the Northeast Atlantic.
Mapping a Future for Small-Scale Fisheries explores the work of our Small-scale Fisheries Innovation work theme.
The new high-res mapping tools being developed by the CABFishMan project will help small-scale fisheries defend their interests in a changing seascape.
- English: Mapping a Future for Small-scale Fisheries – The new high-res mapping tools being developed by the CABFishMan project will help small-scale fisheries defend their interests in a changing seascape.
- Français: Planifier un futur pour les pécheries à petite échelle – Les nouveaux outils cartographiques de haute résolution développés par le projet CABFishMan aideront les petites pêcheries à défendre leurs intérêts dans un paysage marin en changement.
- Español: Trazar un futuro para las pesquerías pequeñas – Las nuevas herramientas del mapeo de alta resolucion que estan en desarollo por el projecto CABFishMan ayudarán a las pesquerías pequenas defender sus intereses en un marino siempre cambiante.
- Português: Mapear um futuro para a pesca de escala pequena – As novas ferramentas de mapeamento de alta resolução que estão a ser desenvolvidas pelo projeto CABFishMan ajudarão a pesca de pequena escala a defender os seus interesses em uma paisagem marítima em mudança.